Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm Moving!

Just click here!

Thank you to everyone who has followed me on this blog. I have decided to make a move under my actual name. When I first began blogging I wanted to stay hidden from people I knew in real life. Now I that I have been blogging for awhile now I have come to realize that the blogging community is friendly and I shouldn't hide anymore. Once again thank you to everyone who has followed this blog. Within the next week CharmayneJill should be up and running as usual!

There you will be able to keep up with my desert child life, find reviews on movies, shows, and makeup!

Until Next Time, 
Love you guys! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

And then she went to go learn in the desert.

(Hagi took this last time it rained. I remember her driveway was so flooded I had to stay the night. #goodtimes) 
I feel like in Arizona an hour away isn't really that far. I've traveled an hour before and it wasn't that bad. It isn't until your best friend moves an hour away and you realize that those last minute plans won't be happening anymore. A quick trip to In-&-Out becomes nearly impossible. But I know that it won't hurt our friendship whatsoever.

I am so proud of her for making her dreams come true. Within this next year big things are going to come her way. I know that she will achieve anything that she puts her mind to. That is why I am so happy that she is going away to university next week. We probably won't see each other for awhile but that doesn't mean that numerous phone calls and letters won't be sent. Plus it gives me a good reason to take a mini road trip now and then when things in QC get a little crazy.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I would love to give a huge shout out to all my followers for sticking around during my absence. I swear once I start wanting to blog, life just comes and takes over. I'm not making any promises to blog more but I am making a promise to at least blog once every two weeks. 

A new and exciting update (for me anyways) is that I will be starting school in a few weeks. HUZZAH FOR QUALITY EDUCATION. I am excited beyond belief to meet new friends considering I don't know a single person at this school. I've heard good things and I can't believe the time has finally come around. I am a tad nervous considering I have never been the new kid. Everyone has always known a sibling or my parents but there I will have no one. I've never really had to sale myself to other kids before, but I have a feeling that I will do just fine. 

I would like to thank you all again because although I don't have many followers, it means the world that you guys have stuck with me throughout these few months. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Little Things & A Easter Greeting

(This is the cute candy bag I mentioned!) 

The time has come when my nose gets stuck in textbooks and my eyes go cross from staring at the computer screen for to long. Yes, school is back on track. For the past month I have had Spring Break and two three day weekends. March treated me very well, but now it is time to get back on track with school. Sorry for the lack of posts. School is definitely taking a little while to get use to.  I have numerous essays and tests to study for already. Bleh! No need to worry about this blog not getting the attention it deserves because I already have some posts ready for you guys! 

Even though the amount of craziness around me is skyrocketing, I must remember to appreciate the little things and to always stay cool. Often times I just get too caught up! Today reminded me of that. I got the opportunity to teach a class by myself. I help teach in a reading class where students come if they need a little bit of help in the language arts department. Let me set the mood: The class was jammed packed. There were papers everywhere. Kids were coming in and out of nowhere. Did I mention that the student to desk ratio was 2 to 1? Yeah.....not exactly the friendly environment a class should be. I still tried my best anyways. I handed them all books and asked them to read except...the students did the EXACT opposite. The kids got loud and began to talk over me. No one was paying attention. The worst part was that there was NO learning taking place. It was a complete zoo! I lost it! This is the first time in history that I raised my voice and sent two kids packing back to their homerooms. But then something happened. At the end of my day one of my first grade students walked in. She normally doesn't come in during this time so I was a bit puzzled. She then handed me a bag. It was so cutely decorated and had the cutest pastel candies in it! She told me her mom made it for me and that she picked out the candy especially for me. She looked so happy to give it to me and I was so blessed to receive it. I gave her the biggest hug. Even though the candies were delicious, it was the smile on her face that made my day. Sometimes I think that what I do doesn't matter. That since I am only an aide the kids don't notice me. Having kids thank me and bring me small gifts like this makes my day and pushes me to do my best everyday. It's the little things that really make life worth living. 
( My niece loves to instagram's odd but it makes her happy!)

I hope you all had a great weekend! For those of you who celebrate Easter....Happy Belated Easter! I got a chance to sit back and relax with the family. I took my niece to go watch The Croods. If you know any little ones I highly suggest taking them to go see this film! It is visually pleasing and shows some great lessons we could all learn. Plus, every kid was laughing their head off! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's Ok to be Sad.

        Today marks a day I have been dreading about. Today was the day I had to tell the teacher I volunteer for that I would be quitting. I never thought that volunteering in a classroom would bring out so many emotions in me. I've never been the type of person who gives hugs or cares a great deal about others, unless they are my friends. That sounds really terrible, but I think that is part of being a teenager. We can be self centered at times and that's ok. I started volunteering at an elementary school this past year because I really wanted to look well rounded when I started applying for college. I was expecting to help children but I wasn't expecting to fall in love with them. The students that come to my room are all so great. There are some that do make me raise my eyebrow but even those kids have a special place in my heart. I knew eventually I had to quit, but after being surrounded by so much love everyday I knew I had to stay a little while more. I was suppose to be done with volunteering back in December, but I made the commitment to stay for another semester. I just loved the classroom environment so much!

 This past month hit my like a ton of bricks. I recently found out that my schedule isn't compatible with my everyday life this semester. There were too many conflicts with timing and I just wouldn't be able to make the time for it anymore. Today I walked in to class and broke down. I walked into the craft closet with a box of Kleenex and cried. I could just imagine telling the kids I wouldn't be coming in anymore and them questioning why. I changed my schedule once and let's just say a few kids began to cry. When I came out the students were worried. They showered me with hugs and told me how pretty I was. It made me so happy that I began to cry again. I never thought that these kids would impact my life so much. I may help them with their reading and writing but they have helped me become such a better person. I can never repay them. I wish I could just stay around forever and become their own personal Miss Frizzle. That would be a dream. We could learn everything together and just have fun. It makes me so sad to leave but I guess all journeys must come to an end. 

On a side note, I am really considering minoring in education. YAY!